The free download enables one semester to be monitored freely. While the other 11 semesters has to be unlocked by means of In-App Purchase.
Overall, the application provides users with a tool to monitor 12 semesters courses, credit hours, term GPA and Overall GPA.
The application provides college student and high school students with a tool to calculate the Grade Point Average for each academic term or/and cumulative GPA in different grade system set by the user:
1. Letter Grades ABCDF
2. Sign Letter Grades ABCDF +/- (different add per +, different subtract per -)
3. 0 .... 100 points
The app contains 12 terms, and each term contain 10 courses to store course name - number, credit hours and grade .
The student can save their grades and GPA. They can also view different scenarios for their grades and courses grades.
Parents can also keep track of their kids’ grades using this application.